Thursday, June 14, 2012

A New Blog Look{and About the Agents}by Ivy

Hello, my name is Ivy Ling. I am a AGMF agent. I live in a small town called Pleasanton.
 Almost no one there knows that I am an agent.

But, because you will probably not out us to terrorists or anything, I'll let you in on our adventures.

I must introduce you to all of the agents who live in Pleasanton:

Name: Yuko Yumi Ling

Age: 12
Agent Name: Shanghai Rose
Team: AGIMEF{AG Impossible Missions Elite Force}

Name: Ivette{Ivy}Ming Ling

Age: 14
Agent Name: Dallas Friday
Team: AGMF{AG Missions Force}

Name: Jessica Akiko Lee McConnell

Age: 13
Agent Name: Houston Thursday
Team: AGMF

Name: Melissa Melody Leah Travilla

Age: 13
Agent Name: Rissa{Marissa}Fisto
Team: AGMF

Name: Danielle Marie Luna

Age: 13
Agent Name: Danika Durnull
Team: AGJMF{AG Junior MF}

Now, DO NOT OUT US TO THE BAD GUYS!! If you do, well, you probably don't want to know, do you?
